Leg Workout

Leg Extension

Building Your Leg Routine

1.      Choose 2–3 exercises that target the major areas of your legs that focus on compound movements to engage the most muscle fibers. 

2.      Variate foot position for better results between sets or between leg workouts.

3.      Add single joint exercises for the quads and hams at the end of your workout with suitable weight.

4.      For mass, do 2–3 sets of 8–12 reps after your warm-up. 

5.      For strength, go heavy with sets of 4–6

6.      For better muscular endurance, do 15–20 reps per set.

Sample mass workout that hits all areas of the legs:

Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Squat 4 6-10
Leg Press 3 10-12
Hack Squat 3 12
Leg Extension 3 10
Ham Lying Leg Curl 3 10

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