The benefits of BCAAs for Athletes

The BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) are formed by three essential amino acids which play an important role in muscle protein synthesis: Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. These Amino Acids make up about 1-3 of the total amino acids in muscle. These essential amino acids are those that your body cannot make itself. Most amino acids go directly to the liver after being digested while BCAAs tend to be spared by the liver and go directly to the muscles intact helping to build and repair muscles tissues. So, they must be provided by diet and that’s the reason why they are so important.

BCAAs also enhance energy by reducing the amount of tryptophan that produces the neurotransmitter serotonin which on the other hand notifies the brain that the body is fatigued and causes it to reduce muscle strength and endurance during exercise. The Valine component competes with tryptophan to lower the amount of fatigue you feel.
  • Promote workout recovery
  • Encourage muscle growth
  • Support strength and power
  • Anti-ageing properties

A study found that BCAAs enhances muscle growth and strength by altering levels of anabolic and catabolic hormones. The boosted anabolic hormone is the insulin, the other blunts levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

Another benefit of BCAAs is their ability to enhance fat loss. Research on Leucine alone has shown that this amino acid can increase metabolic rate, and therefore the amount of total calories and fat burned. In addition, research shows that Leucine helps to blunt hunger. It is theorized that Leucine is used by the brain as an indicator of the levels of total amino acids in the bloodstream. Having more total amino acids in the blood signals your brain that you are well-fed, which means hunger should be reduced to prevent overeating.

BCAAs Timing and dosage
Timing is crucial. So, the best time to take BCAAs is before workout (15 – 30 minutes before exercise) and after workouts (within 45 minutes of exercise) 5g dosages, 2-4 times daily to keep cortisol levels low during exercises to ensure gaining more muscle mass, strength and energy. For best results, take one dose within 30 minutes prior to your workouts along with your pre-workout protein shake and carbs, and another dose within 30 minutes after workouts along with your post workout protein shake and carbs.

Another critical window time for taking a dose of BCAAs is as soon as you wake up in the morning. This dose is critical to quickly fuel and repair your muscles after your night-long fasting. Finally, a late dose of BCAAs helps keeping protein synthesis, growth hormone up, and cortisol down.

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