How much protein to eat per meal


To calculate the amount of protein you need per meal, simply divide your daily requirements by the
amount of meals you are eating with protein that day.

The minimum number of protein meals recommended is four meals a day. So, when eating only four meals, the protein portion has a high risk of going to waste if exceeding 50 grams per meal. This is the maximum recommended per serving. Eating anymore protein at one sitting won't be completely digested.

An absolute minimum amount of protein is 25 grams per meal. This way even a woman or a smaller framed male can get in the magical 2.5 grams protein per pound of lean muscle without having to eat an unreasonable number of times!

What Supplements Are Useful For Accelerating Lean Mass Growth 

There are many supplements on the market pushed by large marketing budgets to gullible people all looking for an edge. Following are six supplements recommended to help support an explosive growth spurt. 

• Protein powder
• Creatine
• L-Glutamine
• MCT’s
• Vitamin and minerals with anti oxidants 

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