

Diabetes means that your blood sugar, “glucose” which is the source of energy, is too high. Preventing yourself from diabetes will also lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness and amputation. Preventing diabetes will only require small changes in your lifestyle, and the result is great.

Steps you can take

Do some exercises

Physical activity that works your muscles and require more energy than resting can be gained by doing the following each week:
2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic or 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic.
A combination of both moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic.
Strengthen your muscles 2 days a week.

Stay at a healthy weight

Being overweight raises your risk of diabetes. If you’re overweight, start making some changes to your eating habits by adding more whole-grain foods, fruits, and vegeta­bles to your diet along with physical activities as described above. Note that a small amount of weight loss (10 to 15 pounds ) has been proven to delay or even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of staying healthy, away from diabetes:

Get a dilated eye by controlling your blood sugar. Keep examining once a year.
Protect your heart and blood vessels by eating a healthy diet, do some exercises, and quit smoking. Get your cholesterol checked at least once a ear.
Away from kidney disease by controlling your blood glucose and pressure. Have a urine test once a year if you notice your urine is cloudy or bloody, or if you feel like you have to urinate often, and if you have pain or burning when you urinate.

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